Final Opening Sequence

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Meeting #2 - 25/01/2010

Another idea was of a girl, in a hurry, maybe a busy student or young business woman with her belongings overflowing. She runs out of the house, in a hurry, after having called her friends about a party at her house because she's home alone and has a free house. As she's hurrying out, she bumps into a man right outside the house, a pervert who eyes her up and down, and then sneakily takes her keys while he's helping her gather the things she drops. The shot ends with him looking at the house, rotating from him standing, to the view of the house from his point of view.

Answering machine – wedding day, slow pan through the empty house as messages play. We see hands wearing white gloves. Sweeping up broken glass. Putting flowers back in a vase. Making the bed. Audience will think it’s the bride cleaning up the house, instead of being at the wedding. Messages on machine get more frantic. The last message is the husband calling. Camera shows the answering machine, hand in white glove turns it off and then we see her hand with the engagement ring. Audience realises the bride has been killed. “JILTED”.

The glove on the hand of the dead bride that falls out, will have to look something like this.

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