Final Opening Sequence

Showing posts with label bianca. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bianca. Show all posts

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Closing Post

We've really enjoyed doing this project and we're glad that we were put in a group together.

We're happy with our final opening sequence and there's nothing that we really want to change about it.

This blog is now CLOSED

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Titles and fonts

We searched for different fonts that we could possibly use in our opening sequence for our titles

We used the website dafont to search for possible fonts

Monday, February 22, 2010


Things we noticed that went wrong:

- we left props in the background
- continuity issues where the match-on-action didn't flow.
- 30 degree rule - some shots were too similar so we had to cut in new shots to make it more continuous.
- unatural movements ( for example the shot where Bianca moves back against the radiator)
- pace is too slow
- not enough reactions to messages

Improvements for the weekend:

- be aware of rules of continuity when filming
- speed up the pace
- add in reactions to messages ( speak the messages through as filming)
-  we might screen test Patricia to be the actress and Bianca will do the voice-over as they will better suit these roles.
- make sure the shots are not tilted and make sure that they are parallel to the lines of the door.

Ms. Dymioti
mother should be ringing for a reason, not just a random chat - reminding her of an event. much more functional rather than filling up space for no reason. mother's message is just too long.
hear friend first. mandy, mother and then mandy again.
improve more continuity. cutting off end of sequences. not enough details. doesn't need to put on answer phone so early. can put it on after she gets a drink. we're in control of dialogue instead of dialogue being in control of us.
take off earrings and jacket. check reflection in mirror. build up sense of character.
could record it on a mobile - would have the 'phone' effect.
the music is effective.
Mrs Blackborow
the mother's voice doesn't sound like how the audience would imagine her mother to sound.
the music shouldn't start until the 'scary' part starts - we should just have diegetic sound at the beginning, no music needed.


After our previous feedback, we started to write our script for our voiceover and work out the timings in order for it to fit in.

We attatched a microphone to the computer and used the program Acid in order to record and edit our sound. We then experimented with the effects to try and make it sound like it had been pre recorded and was being played back on an answering machine.

We got some advice from Tom who told us to move further away from the microphone so we didnt have a big bass effect and he also suggested once we've got the sound on the computer, then we should record it again through the speakers to get that answering machine effect.

Once our sound had been recorded, we imported it into our video and put it in place on our timeline. We matched the reactions to what the recordings were saying.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Character Profile

Jade - 19 years old
        - UCL student
        - Party Girl
        - Always out with friends
        - Really girly
        - Likes to look good
        - In a relationship
        - Has a close friend


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Actors: Our actors are all within the group so this is practical as we know that everyone will be reliable and we won’t have to worry about anyone not turning up or in a hurry to go anywhere as we are all dedicated to the project.

Location: We are using one of our houses as the location so this doesn’t involve us getting any special permission for filming.

Lighting: Most of our filming is going to take place indoors so we shouldn’t have too much problem with not being able to get the correct lighting conditions. The shots of the man will be taken outside, but the street lighting outside will be used in a way to get the right  lighting, along with the portable lights with yellow filters to represent the street lighting. Weather will be an issue with these shots.

Location photos

Here are some shots i took of our chosen location

Sound effects

I looked and have found a good sound that could be used as an example or maybe even in our real opening as the scream that the main girl hears on the answering machine: